Mission & Values
- Master Black Belt Instructors Scott Craig and Susan McCall have each trained and taught Martial Arts together for over 30 years.
- They are both certified by the World Taekwondo Federation and the World Taekwondo Association.
- Each has represented Washington State successfully at the United States Taekwondo National Tournaments.
- In addition, they both teach Hapkido, Kali, Kickboxing, Wrestling, Grappling, Judo, Self-Defense, Boxing and Karate.
- To create well-skilled, respectful and physically fit individuals.
- To provide a positive, structured environment promoting confidence, discipline, health, self-control and mutual friendship for all.
- To teach life skills, problem-solving, goal setting, focus, responsibility, awareness, and good work ethics.
- To teach students through exercise how to enjoy a healthier, better life while on their journey to becoming a Black Belt.